Moyen Poodle
Pheobe is our Moyen Poodle. She is a future doodle mom. She is super sweet, smart, and playful. She was born on 8/17/22. She lives in a guardian home with her mom and her sister. Her best friend is a Boykin Spaniel that lives next door. She is getting ready to take her embark testing and hoping one day she will be able to be a mommy.
Our Females
Breeding Perfection
Indy is an F1 Cockapoo. She was born in November 2021 and was brought into our program in 2022. She is super smart and full of energy and personality. She lives in a guardian home. She loves to swim and play with her brother. She will be paired with Kyzer. We are so excited for her to introduce us to the Cockapoo world!
Standard Red Goldendoodle
Finley is a F1bb Goldendoodle. She is Embark Tested and CKC registered. Her OFA hips and joints are good. She was born in January 2019. She lives in a guardian home. She has a vibrant, playful personality and is very smart. She loves to jump on the trampoline with her big sister. She is 21 inches at withers and weights 40Â pounds.
Standard Poodle
Tulla is an CKC Registered Apricot Standard Poodle. She is Embark clear. She was born in April 2021. Tulla loves to learn new things, is laid-back, and is very well behaved. She is about 21 inches high and weighs 40 pounds. She will be a future mom of our Standard and Mini Goldendoodles.
Standard Poodle
Sadie is a beautiful Sable Standard Poodle with a great AKC pedigree background and is honestly the sweetest, most laid back, intuitive, loyal, smartest, and eager to please female that I have ever known. She was born in February of 2018. She is Embark clear and has had her OFA hips and joints. She has a champion bloodline. She is my registered Service Animal. She is 24.5 inches at withers and weighs 62 pounds.
Small Standard Poodle
Brinkleigh is one of our future moms. She was born in April 2021. She is Embark tested, CKC registered, and has 7 siblings that are Registered Service Animals. She lives in a local guardian home. She is a sweet, laid-back girl who loves to sleep with her mom at night and play with the farm animals during the day. She is 19 inches tall and weighs 36 pounds.
Mini Goldendoodle
Bristol is our 27-pound Mini F1B Goldendoodle.  Her mom is Berkleigh and her dad is a 15lb Mini F1 Red Goldendoodle that is a registered Service Animal in NC.  Bristol was born in August 2020. She is a smart, sweet, loving, well-mannered little girl. She carries the parti factor. She has been Embark tested.  She will be a future mom of our Mini Goldendoodles.  We've raised her inside our home with us. She's our sweet sweet girl.
Standard Poodle
Berkleigh is an AKC Standard poodle. She is silver beige and carries the parti factor. She is 23 inches at wither and weighs 55 pounds. She has birthed 6 puppies that have become service animals for their owners.